Jun 18, 2010

LGV Gladiadores in the XII Encounter with Mio Cid. El Poyo del Cid 2010.


The last weekend we were in the XII Encounter with Mio Cid, celebrated in the locality of El Poyo del Cid (Teruel) and organized by the Cultural Association Mio Cid.

We want to thanks all people of El Poyo del Cid, for their kindness and their resolution that allowed that the Encounter were really successful even with the punishment of the rain.

These are the photos that we did.

XII Encuentro con El Cid. El Poyo del Cid. 2010

And this is a video from MiJiloca.TV about the XII Encounter with Mio Cid. We appear near to the end of it with parts of some of ours combats.

"Beneficium dignis, ubi des omnes obliges"

(To favor the ones than deserve is to force everyone).