Jul 25, 2009

LUDUS GLADIATORIUM VULCANUM in the Roman Market of El Burgo de Osma.


After we get a great success of public and oppinions in El Burgo de Osma, we come back with more animos to continue working.

In El Burgo de Osma we test our Gladiator's Show and our martiality as legionaries.

The roman army aren't our principal interest but we are very happy with the results that we achieve.

The Gladiators Show was follow for a lot of people in the fourth shows that we did. Saturday morning, saturday afternoon, sunday morning an sunday afternoon.

In the saturday afternnon we participated in a batlle between Romans and Barbarians. In this battle our gladiator Postumo, playing the Optio of the legion was injuried by a sword, and we had to call the galenos that suture his forefinger with 3 stitch.

In the saturday night our fellows team members Celer an Audens fighted each other with fire swords and Artifex has the honor of kill the Barbarian's Chief captured in the battle in a singular combat.

As you can see was a very intense weekend. We have made a video with the summary.

"Labor omnia vincit"
(The tenacious work defeat everything )


Jul 15, 2009

Roman Market. El Burgo de Osma (2009). (II)


This is the official information provided by the El Burgo de Osma Council with the information about de Roman Market for the days 18 and 19 of July.

We organice the Gladiator's Fighting and the Fire Combats. We will participate in the Roman Camp, Roman Funeral an Childrens Camp.

Roman Market. El Burgo de Osma (2009)

"Res ipsa locutorum"
(Facts talks)


Jul 9, 2009

Roman Market. El Burgo de Osma (2009). (I)


This year LUDUS GLADIATORIUM VULCANUM will participate in the Roman Market that will celebrate the days 18 and 19 of July in El Burgo de Osma (Soria-Spain).

We will go there with our Show of Gladiator's Fighting.

We are very motivate with this market. El Burgo de Osma give us a very special place for all the history that this city keep in its streets, squares, buildings, cathedral.

If you want to know more, this is the link for El Burgo de Osma Council

Roman Market. El Burgo de Osma (2009)

"Ab alio expectes alteri quod feceris"
(Wait from the others exactly what you did to them)